FGCZ Genomics > Services

Long Read Sequencing Services

We offer full package services including project discussion, DNA/RNA quality Control, Library Preparation, Sequencing and data QC. Downstream Data Analysis is provided upon request.
Experienced users can also bring their ready made libraries and pay only for the Sequencing part. The protocols we do not offer in service mode could be done in user lab mode.

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PacBio Sequencing |Oxford Nanopore Sequencing

PacBio Sequencing

The PacBio sequencing uses the SMRT (Single Molecule Real Time) technology, which enables the real-time detection of nucleotide incorporation events during the elongation of the replicated strand from the non-amplified template. SMRT sequencing supports numerous sequencing applications including targeted or whole genome sequencing, RNA isoforms and epigenetic modifications.

Instruments & Specs:

Sequel IIe Revio
Image Image
SMRT Cell Type 8M Cell 25M Cell
Pol. read Number 4-6 M 12-18M
gDNA library
av. Pol. read length HiFi mode 70+ Kb 70+ Kb
expected output HiFi mode 20+ Gb 60-100Gb
Amplicons/Iso-Seq library
av. Pol. read length 20+ Kb 14-17 Kb
number HiFi Reads 1.5-2.5 M 7.5M
Location in house outsourced

The PacBio av. Read length and output refer to the Polymerase read length.
The final output and the Polymerase read length may vary from sample to sample.

Services and Prices

Input Material needed for library prep

Library Protocol and Insert size Input
Amplicons <3 Kb 300ng
Amplicons 3-10 Kb 500ng
Amplicons >10 Kb >1000ng
16S rRNA amplicon pool 1000ng
gDNA Standard HiFi 15-18 Kb 3-5µg
gDNA Low Input HiFi 15 Kb >400ng
gDNA Microbial Multiplexing HiFi 7-10 Kb 300-1000ng
gDNA Shotgun Metagenomics HiFi 10 Kb >300ng
Iso-Seq 300ng total RNA

The DNA sample must be possibly delivered in a low salt buffer like the Qiagen Elution Buffer (10mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.5-9.0)
Please use a Qubit system or picogreen method in order to quantify your samples.
Spectrophotometric quantitation tends to over estimate the concentration.
1 Library should be enough to sequence from 1-4 Sequel SMRT cells, depending on the recovery yield.

Best practices sheets for key PacBio APPLICATIONS


Protocols and recommendations for multiplexing

Important measures impacting DNA quality

For most applications it is crucial that the extracted gDNA is of HMW (High-molecular-weight) and does not contain any impurities (see below). Please have a look at the following technical note from PacBio first:
DNA Extraction and Quality Control

Oxford Nanopore Sequencing

Nanopore sequencing enables direct, real-time analysis of long DNA or RNA fragments. It works by monitoring changes to an electrical current as nucleic acids are passed through a protein nanopore. The resulting signal is decoded to provide the specific DNA or RNA sequence.

Protocols and support modes

Our turn around times are from 4 to 6 weeks, upon sample submission.
Users that require very fast processing times are welcome to prepare the libraries and bring them to the FGCZ for sequencing.
The GridIONX5 is also accessible in walk in mode, for trained users.

Protocols available as full service: sample QC, library prep, sequencing, raw data delivery and data analysis (optional).
- DNA Sequencing by ligation, with or without native barcoding

Protocols supported in user lab mode: bring your kits and you do the library yourself, under our supervision
- rapid DNA sequencing
- 16s metagenomics
- direct cDNA or PCR-cDNA Sequencing
- direct mRNA Sequencing
- any other protocol you would like to try

Instruments & Specs

Flongle GridION X5 P2 Solo Promethion 24
Flow Cell TypeFlongle R9.4.1, R10.4.1MinION R9.4.1, R10.4.1PromethION R9.4.1, R10.4.1PromethION R9.4.1, R10.4.1
av. read length10-30 Kb 10-30 Kb 10-30 Kb 10-30 Kb
expected outputup to 1Gb4-15 Gb30-90 Gb30-90 Gb
cDNA/ amplicons
av. read length1-10 Kb1-10 Kb1-10 Kb1-10 Kb
number of reads0.2-0.5M1-10 M40-70M40-70M
direct RNA
av. read lengthN/A1-2kb1-2kb1-2kb
number of reads per FCN/Aup to 1Mup to 3Mup to 3M

The av. Read Length depends on the size of the DNA library

Services and Prices

DNA Ligation kit= at least 2ug of gDNA for each flow cell to be sequenced
cDNA PCR kit= 300 ng of total RNA per flow cell to be sequenced
direct cDNA kit= at least 100 ng Poly(A)+ RNA or 1 µg of total RNA per flow cell to be sequenced

Important measures impacting DNA quality

To maximise read length and quality, it is essential that your DNA sample:
- is double-stranded; single-stranded DNA is not compatible with the library preparation process.
- has not undergone multiple freeze-thaw cycles as they can lead to DNA damage.
- has not been exposed to high temperatures (e.g.: > 65oC for 1 hour can cause a detectable decrease in sequence
quality), pH extremes (< 6 or > 9).
- has an OD260/OD280 ratio of 1.8 to 2.0.
- does not contain insoluble material.
- does not contain RNA contamination.

To maximize read length and quality, it is essential that your DNA sample:
- is double-stranded; single-stranded DNA is not compatible with the library preparation process.
- has not undergone multiple freeze-thaw cycles as they can lead to DNA damage.
- has not been exposed to high temperatures (e.g.: > 65oC for 1 hour can cause a detectable decrease in sequence
quality), pH extremes (< 6 or > 9).
- has an OD260/OD280 ratio of 1.8 to 2.0.
- has an OD260/OD230 ratio of 1.8 to 2.3.
- does not contain insoluble material.
- does not contain RNA contamination.
- has not been exposed to intercalating fluorescent dyes or ultraviolet radiation. SYBR dyes are not DNA
damaging, but do avoid ethidium bromide.
- does not contain denaturants (e.g., guanidinium salts or phenol) or detergents (e.g., SDS or Triton-X100).
- does not contain carryover contamination from the original organism/tissue (e.g., heme, humic acid,
polyphenols, etc.)

These are general recommendations to help maintain high molecular weight DNA.

Before DNA extraction:
a. Avoid incubation in complex or rich media.
b. Harvesting from several cultures rather than a single, high-density culture during early- to mid-
logarithmic growth phase is preferred.
c. Extraction of small volumes is preferred over large volumes to avoid accumulating high concentrations
of potentially inhibiting secondary components.

Questions? Please email sequencing@fgcz.ethz.ch.
phone: 063 44 6353911 (For pressing issues only please. We prefer if you email us because we are mostly working in the lab so we can't always attend to phone calls)

FGCZ Genomics > Services